Just like there's always time for pain, there's always time for healing.

Dr. Ambarish Mathuria

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Dr. Ambarish Mathuria is a Senior Acupuncturist and Reiki Master since last 35 years. Over this period, his in-depth knowledge of Acupuncture and Reiki has helped many a patient suffering from acute and chronic diseases.

Dr. Mathuria hones his skills and expertise of various therapies like Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chinese Cupping, Gau Sha and Su Jok to bring those under his treatment to state of wellness and good health. He has also taught number of students for Reiki Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.

Dr. Ambarish Mathuria holds the following degrees:

  • PhD Doctor of Philosophy (Alternative Medicine) from Open International University for Complimentary Medicine
  • M. D. Doctor of Medicine in Alternate Systems from Indian Council of Alternate Medicines, Kolkata
  • B. A. S. M. Bachelor of Alternate System of Medicine from Indian Council of Alternate Medicines, Kolkata


Chi and Health

According to Chinese medicine, Chi is an energy force which permeates everything, and flows through the human body along fourteen main pathways called meridians - which are related to the organs and musculoskeletal systems. When Yin and Yang are in harmony, Chi flows freely, maintaining health and positive emotions. When a person is sick, diseased, or injured - there is obstruction of Chi within the meridians.

Acupuncture and Acupressure

Acupuncture is a medical art based on over three thousand years of clinical experience. It is a traditional Chinese medical technique for unblocking Chi or Qi (pronounced chi”) by inserting needles at specific points on the body to balance the opposing forces of Yin and Yang.

Acupressure applies the same principle of Acupuncture. In Acupressure, practitioners use their fingers, palms, elbow or use special tools to activate the pressure points on the body’s meridians.

Gau Sha or Meridian Scraping Therapy

Meridian Scraping or Gua Sha is an ancient East Asian healing technique taught by only a handful of Western practitioners. In China and Vietnam, scraping is commonly used to relieve the aches and fever associated with the common cold. The Greeks used a similar technique in their daily massage regiments to invigorate blood and relieve pain.

Scraping therapy or Gau Sha provides lasting relief for chronic pain. The practitioner strokes over muscle spasms - 'knots' that have become entrenched, the pain-spasm-pain cycle which keeps muscles tensed is broken allowing the muscle to relax. Stroking brings blood with oxygen and nutrients to tissue which carries away built-up toxins like lactic acid.


Reiki is a Japanese therapy technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.

If one’s “life force energy” is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stressed - and if it is high then we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The treatment makes you feel like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Many have reported miraculous results.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

Chinese Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is a specific method of using glass or plastic cups to create localized pressure akin to a vacuum. The Chinese have been performing such therapy since ancient times by using heat inside glass or bamboo cups. Nowadays, cupping sets use suction to create a vacuum. The vacuum inside cups causes blood to form in the area and aids healing in and around affected area.

The curative aspect of cupping therapy is through release of toxins from one’s body. The suction from cups penetrates deep into the skin causing underlying tissues to release harmful toxins. Cupping essentially triggers the lymphatic system, clears blood vessels, stretches and activates the skin.

Cupping therapy has been found in ancient records dating back 3500 years, and it is still used today by many alternative medicine practitioners. New advancements in technology and materials have been integrated with traditional cupping therapies, and its uses now range for many different treatments and applications.

Moxa Therapy

Moxa is a small and spongy plant, also called Mugwort in English and Artemesia Vulgaris in Latin. Therapists use moxa, a dried form of the herb, to warm specific areas of the body, focusing especially on pressure points. The purpose of moxa treatment is to stimulate circulation through the points and encourage a better flow Qi, or energy through the body’s meridians, by combating cold and dampness.

Moxa-burning or moxibustion can be performed using two main methods. Using direct moxibustion, a small cone of moxa is placed on the surface of the skin. Moxa is ignited and allowed to smolder throughout the treatment; and the cone is usually removed before a mark or blister is allowed to form. Another method is to use a cigar shaped moxa stick that is held close to the skin. An active ingredient in Moxa is Borneol, a substance that is known for its analgesic and antiseptic properties. Borneol is often included in topical remedies to reduce pain and inflammation.

Moxa is especially helpful in treating conditions including: muscle tension, chronic pain, arthritis etc.

Low Level Laser Therapy

Low Level Laser Therapy is the use of low intensity photonic energy as a treatment modality. Photons are the unit measurement of light; therefore the lasers use light at low level healing frequencies. Lasers penetrate the body into the cells and excite the mitochondria (the cells “powerhouse” where 90% of the energy you use is derived), therefore creating “good” energy that promotes healing, circulation and rebuilding of the soft tissue and bone in the body.

Low Level Laser Therapy is a noninvasive, fast and effective modality that has been proven in clinical trials to reduce pain, reduce eczema and promote healing through cellular regeneration.

Do’s and don'ts before and after any treatment

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To assist you to derive the greatest possible benefit from your treatment, kindly observe following:

  • Do not wear make-up, perfume or heavy scented lotions, shampoos and soaps just prior to a treatment session. This is particularly important for your first few treatments.
  • Do not consume alcohol for at least 24 hours prior to and after treatment.
  • Do ensure you have something in your stomach prior to a treatment session.
  • Do not eat an unusually large meal either before or immediately after your treatment.
  • Do avoid very hot or cold baths or showers on the day of your treatment.
  • Do not rush to your appointment - it is best to arrive a few minutes early than to arrive with an elevated pulse or high blood pressure.
  • Do continue with all prescription medication and treatments exactly as directed by your physician or other health care providers.

Thank you!



Course on Acupressure covers theoretical aspects of major points of our body. In essence, when we stimulate them - pain and discomfort can be healed.

Acupressure course teaches you about important points on your body along with an understanding of the twelve meridians. You will be provided a manual and some practical knowledge in this regard.

In addition, you will be provided with a certificate upon successful completion of the course; and will be eligible to give treatment to yourself and loved ones.

Duration of course: twelve sessions (three times a week)

Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Energy exchange fees: Rs.15000/- only

Reiki Level One

Reiki is an energy healing system. Level One is a hands-on healing system.

You can give healing energy from your palms and heal yourself and others. Reiki is essentially a healing of the body, mind, and soul. You will be provided a manual and some practical knowledge in this regard.

In addition, you will be provided with a certificate upon successful completion of the course; and will be eligible to give treatment to yourself and loved ones.

Duration of course: two sessions (two days a week)

Days: Thursday, Thursday, Saturday

Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Energy exchange fees: Rs.5000/- only

Reiki Level Two

Reiki Two is an energy healing therapy where one can give healing without placing hands on the body. It is also possible to send healing energy in transitional form.

You will be provided with a certificate upon successful completion of the course; and will be eligible to give treatment to yourself and loved ones.

Duration of course: six sessions (over six days)

Days: Thursday, Thursday, Saturday

Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Energy exchange fees: Rs.10000/- only

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy is for used for detoxification and rejuvenation of cells of the body. Many types of cups are used in this therapy. In this course, you will learn about location of the points for various diseases and how to put cups on them; thereafter provide suction and fire to take air out of cups. The detoxification will be completed with red mark/s on the body.

You will be provided with a certificate upon successful completion of the course.

Duration of course: eight sessions (over eight days)

Days: Thursday, Thursday, Saturday

Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Energy exchange fees: Rs.10000/- only

Aura Reading

Aura is an electromagnetic field attached to our body, and is also referred to as Bio-plasma field.

Aura has the capacity to show our true nature and personality. Aura changes per our body condition; if one can read aura - it is possible to heal our body and mind.

You will be provided with a certificate upon successful completion of the course; and will be eligible to read your own, as well as aura of others.

Duration of course: eight sessions (eight days)

Days: Thursday, Thursday, Saturday

Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Energy exchange fees: Rs.10000/- only

Gau Sha and Moxa Therapy

As per Chinese theory there are twelve meridians in our body. If one is able to scrap the meridian path to stimulate relevant meridian - it is possible to our heal body and mind. Moxa is essentially a herb; in theory at various points of acupressure we give hot fermentation of moxa that reduces pain and inflammation. Different techniques are taught on how to perform Gau Sha and Moxa Therapy.

You will be provided with a certificate upon successful completion of the course.

Duration of course: eight sessions (eight days)

Days: Thursday, Thursday, Saturday

Time: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Energy exchange fees: Rs.10000/- only

Client Testimonials

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Dear Dr. Ambarish,

I wanted to thank you for helping me with my multiple issues. I suffered for four years and went to the best physiotherapist, and you cured my lower back pain in mere four sittings, it felt like a miracle!
After that you have taken care of so many of my concerns from bleeding gums and hyperacidity to knee and circulation issues. We are now working currently on my diabetes and fatty liver, and I am sure if I come to you diligently - it will be cured.

Ms. N Bajaj

Consulted with Dr. Ambarish Mathuria for an allergic condition which invariably affected my nasal passage, causing severe sinuous like condition for several years. I can confirm owing to treatment received over time, my health has improved overall, and as concerns my allergies which I had originally consulted Dr. Mathuria for - needless to state, they have also been dealt with.

Mrs. S Khanna

I have recently taken treatment for my gout pain from Dr. Mathuria, and am happy to say that the said treatment has worked. The pain has been eliminated after only 7 sittings of acupuncture treatment given by Dr. Mathuria.

Mr. P Mehrotra


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